Sur les chemins du paradis – Exposition inaugurale
On the roads to paradise – Inaugural Exhibition
du 19 mai au 22 août 2021
On the roads to paradise
Inaugural Exhibition, Courtyard of Temporary Exhibitions, Les Franciscaines
On the Roads to Paradise shows the singularity of an imaginary that is not identical from epoch to epoch nor from religion to religion and that intrinsically depends on the societies in which paradise is represented. Thanks to a chrono-thematic tour, the exhibition presents about a hundred works of different techniques, dates and origins: miniatures, manuscripts, paintings, ceramics, ritual objects, carpets, graphic arts, antiques, photographs and videos.
The exhibition provides an opportunity to discover historical and contemporary works and documents thanks to exceptional loans from French and foreign national museums, private foundations and galleries with a worldwide reputation.
The inaugural exhibition of les Franciscaines
With a cultural policy that is both demanding and accessible, Deauville has equipped itself with a new, innovative facility that will offer a rich and diversified range of cultural and event services from March 2021. A place for exhibitions, shows, encounters, experimentation and a living space open to the city, Les Franciscaines invites artists and visitors to develop their imagination. Les Franciscaines invite artists and visitors to develop their imagination. Offering a choice setting for the collections of the museum and the media library, Les Franciscaines invites different artistic forms to meet and nourish each other.
Faithful to its history, made up of cultural and religious diversity, crossroads and encounters, Deauville invites sharing and reflection, honouring the three religions of the Book: Judaism, Christianity and Islam. With the exhibition “On the Roads to Paradise”, his ambition is to explore, alongside artists from every century and from every western and eastern region (Brueghel de Velours, Maurice Denis, Marc Chagall, Imran Qureshi, Mané-Katz…), the historical and artistic transcription of the founding texts of paradise, from the myth of Enki in Mesopotamia to the figuration of the Incarnation by Bill Viola. The aim is therefore to identify the influences, exchanges and interpenetration of iconographic codes from the 3rd millennium B.C. to the 21st century, under the multidisciplinary perspective of the members of the Scientific Committee (Delphine Horvilleur, Jean-François Colosimo, Jacqueline Chabbi, Thierry Grillet, Gilles Chazal, Claire Decomps, Annie Vernay-Nouri) surrounding the General Curator, Régis Debray, and Lynda Frenois, Scientific Curator and Director of the Musée des Franciscaines.
On the paths to paradise
The hypothesis of the exhibition is that of the historicity of paradise. On the Roads to Paradise shows the singularity of an imaginary world that is not identical from one era to another or from one religion to another and that depends intrinsically on the societies in which paradise is represented.
Step by step, the thematic tour of the exhibition takes us on the paths of the beyond of the three monotheistic religions, from oral traditions to the Founding Texts, from Creation to the Garden of Eden, from earthly paradise to the Promised Land and the messenger angels, the scientific committee composed of historians, iconographers, philosophers and writers wishes to invite you to a journey between collective imagination, sincere belief, art history and religious texts, with no other goal than to open your senses and glimpse an afterlife painted, dreamed, fantasized, written. Thus, the exhibition is composed of manuscripts, videos, paintings, graphic arts, objets d’art… as many mediums that can illustrate the diversity, richness, audacity, fragility of the thoughts and ambitions of artists of any century.
The exhibition will aim to draw the thread to our time, thus testifying to the strength and permanence, in the heart of secularized societies, of these representations of paradise.
Evoking some great poetically translated experiences such as Dante’s Divine Comedy or the night journey of the Prophet, the art of Islamic gardens, or the ancient conceptions of Sheol, the exhibition provides an opportunity to discover works and documents, both historical and contemporary, thanks to exceptional loans.
This inaugural exhibition is a sensitive experience, with a programme that combines scientific truth and conviviality; where the visitor becomes in turn spectator and actor, thanks to an original scenography and the trust of renowned lenders including the Louvre Museum (an exceptional partner of the exhibition), the Musée d’Orsay, the Museum of Art and History of Judaism, the Bibliothèque nationale de France, the Aga Khan Museum in Toronto, the Musée national d’Art Moderne, the Carmignac Foundation, the Centre national des arts plastiques, the Beaux-Arts museums of Bordeaux, Nancy and Pau, the Badische Landersbibliothek in Karlsruhe.
L’exposition aura à cœur de tirer le fil jusqu’à notre temps, témoignant ainsi de la force et de la permanence, au cœur des sociétés sécularisées, de ces représentations du paradis.
Évoquant quelques grandes expériences traduites poétiquement comme La Divine Comédie de Dante ou le voyage nocturne du prophète, l’art des jardins islamiques, ou encore les conceptions antiques du séjour des morts, l’exposition donne l’occasion de découvrir des œuvres et des documents, historiques et contemporains grâce à des prêts exceptionnels.
Cette exposition inaugurale s’envisage comme une expérience sensible, au gré d’une programmation qui allie véracité scientifique et convivialité ; où le visiteur devient tour à tour spectateur et acteur, grâce une scénographie originale et à la confiance de prêteurs de renom parmi lesquels le Musée du Louvre (partenaire exceptionnel de l’exposition), le Musée d’Orsay, le Musée d’art et d’histoire du Judaïsme, la Bibliothèque nationale de France, l’Aga Khan Museum de Toronto, le Musée national d’Art Moderne, la Fondation Carmignac, le Centre national des arts plastiques, les musées des Beaux-Arts de Bordeaux, Nancy et Pau, la Badische Landersbibliothek de Karlsruhe…
Fidèle à son histoire, faite de diversités culturelles et cultuelles, de croisements et de rencontres, Deauville invite au partage et à la réflexion, mettant à l’honneur aux Franciscaines les trois religions du Livre : judaïsme, christianisme et islam.
Avec l’exposition « Sur les chemins du paradis », son ambition est de parcourir, aux côtés d’artistes de tout siècle et de toute région occidentale et orientale (Brueghel de Velours, Maurice Denis, Marc Chagall, Imran Qureshi, Mané-Katz…), la transcription historique et artistique des textes fondateurs du paradis, du mythe d’Enki en Mésopotamie à la figuration de l’Incarnation par Bill Viola.
Il s’agit donc de cerner les influences, les échanges, l’interpénétration de codes iconographiques du IIIe millénaire avant J.C au XXIe siècle, sous le regard pluridisciplinaire des membres du Comité scientifique (Delphine Horvilleur, Jean-François Colosimo, Jacqueline Chabbi, Thierry Grillet, Gilles Chazal, Claire Decomps, Annie Vernay-Nouri) entourant le commissaire général, Régis Debray, et Lynda Frenois, commissaire scientifique et directrice du musée des Franciscaines.
General Commission
Régis Debray, Philosopher and writer, member of the Académie Goncourt
Scientific Commissioner
Lynda Frenois, Director of the Franciscan Women’s Museum
Scientific Committee
Thierry Grillet, Director of Cultural Dissemination, Bibliothèque Nationale de France Jean-François Colosimo, Historian, theologian, director general of Éditions du Cerf Jacqueline Chabbi, Associate Historian of Arabic and Doctor of Letters, Honorary Professor of Universities Delphine Horvilleur, Rabbi Aurélie Clémente-Ruiz, Director of the Exhibition Department, Institut du Monde Arabe Valérie Vesque-Jeancard, Former Deputy Director General of RMN-GP Annie Madet-Vache, Assistant Curator at the Musée national de la Marine.
Accès : Les Franciscaines
145 B, Avenue de la République, 14800 Deauville
Contact : contact@lesfranciscaines.fr
Accueil : +33 (0)2 61 52 29 20
Catalogue officiel Franciscaines
“Sur les chemins du paradis”
Catalogue officiel de l’exposition inaugurale Sur les chemins du paradis au musée des Franciscaines de Deauville du 19 mai au 22 août 2021.
couverture du catalogue : Aki Lumi “The Garden no.20” 2014.
237 x 277 mm, 208 pages
Code EAN : 9782754111478